Thames Valley Early Music Forum Events Diary

Ongoing Participatory Early Music Events in the Thames Valley
Workshops and Other Participatory Early Music Events
Concerts in the Thames Valley
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Please send details to Victoria Helby, 50 Sheepfold Lane, Amersham, HP7 9EJ (

Regular Events Guide (weekly unless stated)

18.30 London SW9 01222 490680 Baroque Dance Int/Adv
19.00 London EC1 0208 892 9638 Baroque Dance Adv
18.30 London EC1 0181 892 9638 Baroque Dance (advanced)
19.30 Bracknell 01344 429550 The Berkshire Recorder Consort
09:30 Amersham 01494 721582 The C# Consort (recorders)(2nd Tu)
18.30 London SW9 01222 490680 Baroque Dance
19.00 London EC1 0208 892 9638 Baroque Dance
Morley College. Baroque chamber music (Abby Wall)
20.00 Oxford 01865 456044 Playing from 15th/16th Century Facsimile
20.00 Oxford 01865-242591 Viol consorts
18.40 Chorleywood 01923 775877 Historical Dance
19.30 London SW6 020) 8892 9638 Renaissance Dance (fortnightly)
20.00 Oxford 01222 490680 (2/4) Baroque dance (1/3) 12-19 C Dance
19.30 London 020 8505 4381 London Gallery Quire (fortnightly)
19:00 Westminster. Choral music (David Allinson)
20:00 nr. Odiham 0118 9667241 Basingstoke Early Dance
20.00 Canterbury 01227 769843 Playing and singing one-to-a-part (monthly)
19:00 Morley College. Renaissance loud wind (Bernard Thomas)
13.30 Chesfield, nr Orpington 013222 553094 Pastime Historical Dance (fortnightly)
14 00 Welwyn G City 01279 450856 Chiltern West Gallery Quire (monthly)
14.30 Maidenhead 01628 621367 East Berkshire SRP (monthly)
18.30 London Motet & Madrigal Club (monthly) or phone Sidney Ross on 0207 359 5996 (evenings)
For more far-flung events and lots more you should subscribe to Early Music Review, �15 from King's Music, Redcroft, Banks End, Wyton, Huntingdon Cambs PE28 2AA
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