Document factory > enterprise data processor > task list

The following is a list of tasks supported by Enterprise Data Processor. New features are continually being added: contact RedTitan for the latest information.

Running external programs

  • Run a program each time a target element is encountered.
  • Run an input stream as an MsDOS BAT script and await its completion.

JAVAScript processing

  • Select elements from the main datastream and supply them, or just their contents, for separate processing. Recombine the results with the main stream.
  • Modify element headers by means of an ECMAScript program.

User interactive tasks: wizards; viewing data

  • Display a datastream as it is processed, and allow user to edit it before it is output (diagnostic tool).
  • Display the file-open or file-save wizard panel to the user — and await a filename specification.

Data format conversion: reading in and writing data

  • Convert a datastream to a compact textual representation suitable for short-term storage in external media or transmission across a communications channel (e.g.spooling and database functions).The datastream can optionally be encrypted for security in transmission. 
  • Convert the compact textual representation back to the original datastream.
  • Read elements of raw data in CSV format or XML format and convert to a datastream.
  • Write a datastream as CSV or XML data.
  • Read an FDD data description (created by the RedTitan Page Designer) and convert it to a datastream. Decode raw data using an FDD specification, i.e. process row+column and tagged data.

Filestore tasks: reading, writing and renaming files

  • Generate an element at repeated intervals to prompt a routine process.
  • Use one stream to construct a database and then perform relational lookups on it merging the resulting data into the key stream.
  • Generate a list of filenames from a wildcard specification.
  • Add a new attribute value to element headers by applying wildcard filename rules to an attribute that names a file.
  • Read, write, rename or delete one or more disc files.
  • Watch for files that match a specified name and details, rename them to a 'work in progress' filename, and then rename them or flag them as archived when required to supply the next one.

Processing datastreams

  • Install tasks using a description encoded as a datastream.
  • List a task's composition. The result could be used to install another copy.
  • Concatenate two entire datastreams. Or merge corresponding pairs of elements from up to three datastreams. Join up to three datastreams
  • Fold element data content back into the enclosing element's header making them into attribute definitions.
  • Copy attribute values into the element content, moving the attribute value to the content of an element with the same name.
  • Use attribute values from the main datastream to fill in parameters specified by elements in two other streams (often set up as constants).
  • Create a new attribute for a element, the value being made by the substitution of a script.
  • Wrap an entire datastream with a header to convert a list of data objects into a single object containing the list. Remove the outer element headers from a datastream.
  • Duplicate a datastream so that it can be used as input to two functions.
  • Encourage pipelining by reading ahead of its output.
  • Cut up data into lines by looking for [RET] and/or [LF] characters and replacing them with the EOLN marker. Also package the lines into pages.
  • Count elements and insert an attribute into the element headers supplying their number in the stream. .
  • Sort a list of elements in a datastream.
  • Separate datastreams to create a new datastream containing the elements that are common to both input datastreams.
  • Change the names of attributes and tags.
  • Convert attribute values to text and format them, with the possibility of adding or removing leading and/or trailing spaces.
  • Perform simple date calculations using dates in the ISO representation.
  • Compare element attributes, selecting those that pass the specified test.Test element attributes, selecting those that pass the specified test.


  • Obtain information about a specified host from the domain name server.
  • Implement a simple TCP connection.
  • Implement a simple TCP server

Running external programs
JAVAScript processing
User interactive tasks
Data format conversion
Filestore tasks
Processing datastreams



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