with by David Fletcher

Sunday 27 February 2005 from 10am to 5.15pm
Burnham Grammar School, Hogfair Lane, Burnham, Bucks

Another in our series of one-to-a-part Renaissance Chamber Music days for instrumentalists and singers.   We will be playing and singing music from before about 1620 (including medieval music if you wish) in various combinations, mainly quartets or quintets but also some larger works.

A large supply of music will be available but it is helpful if people bring their own as well so that we can have a good selection. All singers and players of appropriate instruments (including modern strings and recorders) are welcome as long as they are able to hold a part by themselves. Requests for particular groups or music will be accommodated as far as possible.

Sessions will be organised in advance, with different combinations for each of the four sessions. Pitch will be A440 (except by special arrangement).

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