The Heavens Declare the Glory of God - motets from Geistliche Chor-musik of 1648 by Heinrich Schutz

A day for singers directed by Peter Syrus

Dutch Church, Austin Friars, London EC2

Saturday 21 May 2005

10 - 5pm

Peter Syrus is a lecturer at the Royal Norther College of Music in Manchester. He is also in regular demand as a director of workshops in early music for both singers and instrumentalists, and tutors on several long-standing Easter and summer courses.

Peter says "The central focus for the day will be the five- and six-voice motets from the collection which coincided with the Peace of Westphalia and the end of the Thirty Years War.   

Some are justifiably well-known, such as the extrovert setting of Die Himmel erzahlen or the heart-rending blessing for the dead Selig sind die Toten. Others are no less worthy of performance, and will include Ich bin eine ru fende Stimme, Unser Wandel ist in Himmel, Verleih uns Frieden, and the two exquisite items designated as Arias, Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt and Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Gott.  All items will be sund in the original language."

Singers of all ranges are welcome, many of the pieces being for SSATTB.

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