Baroque Chamber Music Day - Burham Grammar School
directed by Victoria Helby

Sunday 7 November 2004

10 - 5.30pm

Yet another in our series of one-to-a-part days for baroque wind (including recorders) and string players - violin family and (mainly bass) viol, and keyboard or plucked continuo. Solo singers are also welcome - I have some music for voice with obbligato instruments but you may prefer to bring your own. Keyboard players are welcome even if they do not own and bring their own instrument (but please do if you can). You do need to be a good sight-reader to enjoy this event, so contact me if you are not sure if it is for you.

We will be playing chamber music in various combinations, mainly trio sonatas and quartets or quintets with continuo, but I can also arrange larger orchestral sessions, Brandenburg concertos etc if enough string players come. A large supply of music will be available but it is very helpful if people bring their own as well so that we can have a good selection.

The day will start with coffee at 10am followed by playing at 10.30. Sessions will be organised in advance, with different combinations for each of the four sessions, so it is ESSENTIAL for you to let me know if you are not likely to arrive at the beginning or cannot stay all day, or find that you cannot come at all.

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