Workshops and courses throughout the country and abroad
Please check details with event organisers before turning up for an event or course, as this information comes from a variety of sources which may not all be accurate. N.B. the @ in email addresses has been replaced by an image to defeat address-gathering software. Information on course and event venues
Wed 29 7.30 pm on Zoom, Veni in hortum meum, the first of two linked talks by David Allinson. SEMF
Thu 13 8 pm on Zoom, Palestrina and the glories of Rome, a talk by Patrick Craig Application form
Wed 19 7.30 pm on Zoom, Veni in hortum meum, the second of two linked talks by David Allinson.
Thu 17 8 pm on Zoom, Venice and its music, a talk by Patrick Craig
The events below were arranged before the advent of the corona virus so may well not be happening
1-8 Barnard Castle NORVIS 50 summer school
2-8 Beauchamp Early Music Course for singers and players of Renaissance instruments, at Rendscomb nr Cirencester. �O quam gloriosum� - large & small-scale music associated with saints and sainthood (David Hatcher, David Allinson & Sue Addison) anne*, (01989 218432/01452 668592)
2-9 Run by Singers. Assisi Summer School advanced week of unaccompanied Renaissance Polyphony (David Skinner)
2-9 Cambridge Early Music Summer School -Renaissance Early Music Summer School - Renaissance
10-13 Benslow Baroque Buffet Baroque Buffet: Baroque on Modern Instruments (Julia Bishop, Sophie Middleditch, Julian Perkins)
10-13 Benslow Madrigal and Partsong Summer School Madrigal and Partsong Summer School (James Oldfield, Stephen Meakins)
15-22 Irish Recorder & Viol course
16-22 Higham Hall Early Music Summer School Early Music Summer School
16-23 Run by Singers. Cambridge Summer School (Anton Armstrong (USA))
16-23 Baroque Week summer school at Queen Anne�s School, Caversham. The Grand Tour: Italy (Theresa Caudle, Ann Allen, Amanda Babington, Clare Beesley, Zo� Cartlidge, Steven Devine, Satoko Doi-Luck, Jane Francis, David Miller, and Kate Semmens)
17-21 Beverley HISS 2020
23-28 Run by Singers. Lincoln Summer School. Renaissance Masterpieces (David Allinson & David Ogden)
25-30 Florence International Singing Programme (Caius Lee & Anthony Gray)
28-30 Benslow John Playford in the John Playford in the 21st Century (Paul Hutchinson, Karen Wimhurst)
28-30 Run by Singers. Cathedral Weekend, Manchester (Peter North)
29-5 Southern France, La Maison Verte in Roujan. Tudor Polyphony and Beyond - a choral course for 16-18 experienced singers (Eamonn Dougan and Francis Steele) anneroberts23456*
30-6 Run by Singers. Early Music Week in Burgos, Northern Spain (Rory McCleery)
4-6 Cambridge Choral Liturgy course (David Allinson)
4-6 Jackdaws. Stylish Baroque A=415 (Theresa Caudle & Alastair Ross)
Sat 5 SEMF Scaynes Hill near Haywards Heath Scaynes Hill near Haywards Heath. Workshop for voices and instruments ( Patrick Craig)
6-11 Lacock Trogir Music Week Trogir Music Week. Renaissance choral music in an ancient Venetian port on the Croatian coast near Split. (Patrick Craig)
10-13 Medieval Music in the Dales
11-13 Benslow RecorderFest RecorderFest (Alyson Lewin, Jean McCreery, Caroline Jones)
13-20 Run by Singers. Eternal Music of the Eternal City, Rome (David Skinner)
14-17 Benslow English Lute Songs Old and New English Lute Songs Old and New (Clare Wilkinson, Michael Solomon Williams, Jacob Heringman)
Sat 19 Platinum Consort workshop workshop. The Deer�s Cry: Part, Holst, Harris & Lotti
Sat 19 North East EMF York. Sisters of Ferrara (female voice polyphony) workshop (Laurie Stras)
Sat 19 MEMF Mexican Baroque music Mexican Baroque music (tbc) (Jeffrey Skidmore
19-24 Cambridge Early Music Summer Schools Woodwind Makers. Baroque oboe making (Denner model)
21-24 Benslow Music Trust Magnificat: Sacred Music by Charpentier (Theresa Caudle, William Carslake)
21-27 Andrew van der Beek. Lucca Consort Week. a week combining work in small ensembles and double choir singing Frescobaldi�s Missa sopra l�aria della monica (Robert Hollingworth)
2-4 Rondo Viol Academy
Sat 3 Border Marches EMF Shrewsbury. Workshop for singers (David Allinson)
5-7 Benslow Recorder Consorts with Consortium Recorder Consorts with Consortium5 (Oonagh Lee, Kathryn Corrigan)
6-11 Andrew van der Beek Trogir. Music from the period of the Gunpowder Plot (Patrick Craig)
9-11 Benslow Harmoniemusik with Boxwood and Brass Harmoniemusik with Boxwood and Brass (Emily Worthington, Robert Percival, Martin Lawrence)
Sat 17 MEMF workshop for instruments workshop for instruments & voices (Steve Davis)
18-23 Lacock Lewes Music Party for invited singers Lewes Music Party for invited singers (Eamonn Dougan)
18-25 Run by Singers. Transylvanian Adventure, Brasov (Jeremy Jackman)
Sat 24 BMEMF T�Arty Tunes �popular tunes of their times arranged by various composers T�Arty Tunes � popular tunes of their times arranged by various composers, for recorders players (Mary Tyers)
5-7 Blackheath. London International Festival of Early Music
13-15 Benslow The Women Troubadours The Women Troubadours (Leah Stuttard)
Sat 14 MEMF workshop for voices workshop for voices & instruments (Philip Thorby)
Sat 14 Platinum Consort workshop workshop. Immortal Fire: Britten, Purcell & Tallis
16-19 Benslow Harpsichord Workshop Harpsichord Workshop (Claire Williams)
19-22 Benslow Consorting Viols Consorting Viols (Alison Crum, Roy Marks, Ibi Aziz, Peter Wendland)
2-5 Run by Singers. Mozart Requiem at Midnight, Vienna (Nigel Perrin)
Sat 5 Platinum Consort workshop workshop. Palestrina: Mass for Christmas
Sun 13 Thames Valley EMF Amersham. Christmas workshop and lunch (Andrew Griffiths), followed by a short AGM secretary*
Sat 6 NWEMF workshop workshop (Andrew Griffiths)
Sun 12 Thames Valley EMF Amersham. Christmas workshop and lunch (Philip Thorby), followed by a short AGM secretary* (tbc)
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